Western Digital Green Drives and Linux - They're dying!
The last time I swapped the drives out in my home built NAS, I bought Western Digital Green drives. They sounded great! Low power, low heat, low noise... Unfortunately, they appear to not have been built for this particular application. They auto park and the timer is set too low for Linux filesystems. (I believe the default may be 8 seconds! http://techreport.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=78891) My drives began to give me trouble (thankfully) even before the warranty ran out. I found the load cycle count on my drive to be extremely high - 10's or 100's of thousands. This is way beyond the expected count. Here's how to query for it: # smartctl -A /dev/sdX | grep ^193 193 Load_Cycle_Count 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - XXXXXXX Luckily there is a solution -- run this tool to either turn off the feature, or set the timeout much higher: http://idle3-tools.sourceforge.net/ Make sure you follow the instructions cl